Home » Ask the experts: Is it ok to shave your pubic hair?

Ask the experts: Is it ok to shave your pubic hair?

Dear Experts,

When a boy shaves his ballspenis, and every place around it is there a danger in doing that, and if they were to cut themself will it heal normally?


Dear niceyellah,

Shaving in sensitive areas such as the genitals can lead to razor burn and in-grown hairs — both of which can be itchy and painful. The loose skin in the scrotal area is especially susceptible to nicks and cuts. And the scrotal skin can bleed a lot because of all the blood vessels there.

Some men use special safety scissors to trim their pubic hair rather than shaving it with a razor. An electric razor is also a safer option for removing unwanted hair around the genitals. No one has to shave (or remove) their pubic hair.

Whether a man chooses to shave, trim, or remove pubic hair is ultimately a personal choice — and is usually done for cosmetic reasons. If a man chooses to shave (or remove) his pubic hair, the amount that is removed is up to him.

Hope this information helps!

Take care,

teenwire® Editors

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