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Ask the Experts: Can STD Pass-Through Oral Sex?

Dear Experts,

My boyfriend has a cold sore on his lip what are the risks if he were to perform oral sex on me? and if there are any dangers, what can I use to lower/prevent them? I want our activities to be safe. please inform me of the dangers!! please help!!


Dear firekiss,

Yes. It’s possible for someone to pass herpes through oral sex — from one’s mouth to a partner’s genitals. Here’s the deal with herpes:

There are two types of herpes that can be sexually transmitted — herpes simplex virus-1 (HSV-1) and herpes simplex virus-2 (HSV-2). HSV-1 usually appears as cold sores and fever blisters on or near the mouth, especially the lips. This is herpes that, for instance, parents can pass to their kids kissing them good night, but it can be sexually transmitted, too. HSV-2 usually is sexually transmitted and usually affects the genitals, but it can be passed orally, too. So, both types of herpes can be sexually transmitted and both types can appear on the mouth or on the genitals.

Common symptoms of herpes include:

  • recurring rash with clusters of blistery sores appearing anywhere on the vagina, cervix, penis, mouth, anus, buttocks, or elsewhere on the body
  • pain and discomfort
  • itching and burning sensations during urination

Symptoms usually appear from two to 20 days after infection, but it may be years before the primary outbreak occurs. Genital herpes is most contagious from the time the sores are present until they are completely healed and the scabs have fallen off. Unfortunately, recent studies show that people may be contagious even when they have no symptoms.

More than 30 million Americans have genital herpes. While there are treatments available to ease the discomfort and suppress very frequent recurrences, there is no cure. Once you have herpes, you may have it for life.

It’s important for people with a cold sore on their mouths to not kiss anyone — especially infants, children, or pregnant women — in order to prevent passing the infection on. Also, abstaining from other forms of sexual activity during outbreaks — activities that put a partner in contact with a sore — is important to keep from passing herpes. If you have a genital sore, don’t have sexual intercourse — even with a condom. Wait until the sore heals.

Hope this information helps!

Take care,

Teenwire® Editors

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