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Ask the Experts: What does dry humping mean?

Your Question:

Dear Experts,

what does dry humping mean


The Answer:

Dear jordans_luvr,

“Dry humping” is slang for when two people rub their bodies together for sexual stimulation — with their clothes on. Dry humping is a form of sex play known as outercourse – which is almost the same as foreplay, except that outercourse does not lead to intercourse, and foreplay is usually intended to lead to intercourse.

Dry humping is considered a safer sex activity because no body fluids are exchanged between partners. So, there’s little chance of infection, and no chance of unintended pregnancy. Besides body rubbing, outercourse can also include masturbation, deep kissing, erotic massage, role playing, and sharing fantasies with a partner. Both partners can feel some pretty intense and extreme pleasure from outercourse and be stimulated to orgasm.

Hope this information helps!

Take care,

teenwire.com® Editors

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