Home » Ask the experts: Does sexual abuse make having sex not so enjoyable?

Ask the experts: Does sexual abuse make having sex not so enjoyable?

Dear Experts,

Does sexual abuse make having sex not so enjoyable?


Dear mall,

Sexual abuse can be a traumatic experience. Many people find that they are uncomfortable with sexual activity after they’ve experienced sexual abuse or assault. Many find support groups or individual therapy to be helpful — they can provide a safe place where fears and concerns can be expressed and explored.

When people who have been abused are ready to have sex again, they may want to take things slowly and talk with their current partners about their feelings. They shouldn’t do anything that makes them uncomfortable. Letting the other person know about past events that were traumatic is extremely important to gain trust and create a sense of safety in the relationship. Many people can eventually enjoy sex after they’ve been abused.

A nearby Planned Parenthood may be able to provide information about support groups for rape survivors or individual therapy. To reach the nearest Planned Parenthood for more information, call 1-800-230-PLAN or use the clinic connections below.

The Rape, Abuse, Incest National Network (RAINN) may know of support groups in your area as well. Their hotline number is 1-800-656-HOPE and their Web site address is www.rainn.org.

Hope this information helps!

Take care,

teenwire® Editors

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