Home » ASK THE EXPERTS: Do you have to have a Pap test to get on the Pill?

ASK THE EXPERTS: Do you have to have a Pap test to get on the Pill?

Your Question:

Dear Experts,

Do you have to have a Pap test to get on the Pill?

tpt123, 08.07.01

The Answer:

Dear tpt123,

All women must talk with a clinician in order to get a prescription for the birth control pill. Some clinicians require a gynecological exam that includes a Pap test. Others do not.

A Pap test is a procedure in which cells are collected from the cervix to examine them for signs of infection or precancerous changes. It’s recommended that women start having regular Pap tests three years after they have vaginal intercourse or once they reach the age of 21, whether they have had vaginal intercourse or not.

There are a few things that will most likely happen when you visit a clinician for a pill prescription. First you will discuss your medical history and have your blood pressure checked. Then you may have any other medical exams that your clinician decides you need.

To reach the nearest Planned Parenthood for more information or to set up an appointment, call 1-800-230-PLAN.

Hope this information helps!

Take care,

teenwire.com® Editors

This column is for informational purposes only and is not intended to constitute medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. If you have a medical problem, please call toll-free 1-800-230-PLAN for an appointment with the Planned Parenthood health center nearest you.

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