Home » Ask the Experts: Is Wearing Tight Underwear Bad For Guys? And Why?

Ask the Experts: Is Wearing Tight Underwear Bad For Guys? And Why?

Your Question:

Dear Experts,

Is wearing tight underwear bad for guys? If so, why?

OpTiX, 01.12.01

The Answer:

Dear OpTiX,

Boxers, briefs, tighty-whities — it’s all a matter of personal choice. Wearing tight underwear is not bad for you, as long as it’s comfortable for you. Some guys develop jock itch, which is an itchy fungus condition. It can be caused by wearing clothes that are too tight or that are made of fabrics that don’t let the air circulate.

The testes produce sperm only if they are at temperatures a few degrees below the temperature of the body. The scrotum holds the testes away from the body to maintain this cooler temperature. Higher temperatures close to the body may occur from wearing tight underwear, which can lower sperm count. However, wearing tight underwear is not a reliable birth control method. Millions of sperm are released during ejaculation, so even a lower sperm count could produce plenty of sperm to cause a pregnancy. For pregnancy protection, use a reliable method of birth control.

Hope this information helps!

Take care,

teenwire.com® Editors

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